Wednesday 1 December 2010

Chapter 10

There usually isn't much of a difference between the young adult and adult age, but Leah definitely has a more lined face than she used to. Just thought I'd mention that.

 Tiny couldn't seem to keep her eyes off of Leo1. She stared at hiim all through dinner.

And after dinner too.

 In fact, Leo1 didn't actually leave until morning, and he even rolled the wish to move in with her! Woah! Slow down there!

 As soon as he could, Leo1 rushed off home to ask if he could. Leah was in bed, being lazy, so he had to ask Justin. Unfortunately, Leo1 hasn't got a very good reletionship with his dad, so things didn't turn out well.
 Leo1: *Cries*
 Justin soon got fed up with his whining son and wandered off to look after his other son, who was feeling somewhat neglected.
 He continued Leah's attempts to teach Sheldon to walk.

 Behold, the flying baby!

Tiny had invited herself over and was watching Leah sleep, first with interest, then with terror. That glitch again. I discovered that Tiny was stuck and refused to move. In the end I had to resort to the resetsim cheat to stop her starving to death. (That's happened before you know.)

 This meant that Leah could get out of bed (Tiny was blocking it before) and she went upstairs to tidy up the piles of laundry that had being lying around the house for several days.


Then, after all this hard work, she had to drop it all on the floor in the bathroom as Justin's computer had caught fire.

 Justin: Help! My computer's burning! Noooo!
 Despite their combined efforts to extinguish the fire, it still raged wildly.

 Finally, Leo1 took the initiative and called the firefighters.

Tiny1 returned to find out what all the fuss was about, but instead of trying to help, she just stood outside, watching.

 The firefighters weren't much help when they arrived though. The Glitch strikes again!

But eventually, the fire was extinguished, and all that was left of the computer was a pile of ashes.

But at least the laundry finally got put away.

And soon, it was Leo1's birthday.

 Hip hip hurray!

 This family does not have much luck, does it?

 You're not supposed to enjoy fires...

 But luckily, Leo1 got his brain into gear and killed the fire.

 But he was annoyed. And angry. The house was disgusting, his father was horrible, and his birthday had been interupted. He'd had enough.

 And who better to take it out on than Justin?

 After the ensuing shouting match, it was time for Leo1 to age up into a young adult at last.

Poor Justin.
Poor Leo1.

 Thoroughly fed up, Leo ran to his room for some peace.

Shame that his brother was in there instead.

The next chapter will be up soon! :)

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Chapter 9

Sheldon soon discovered the madness of the house he'd been born into.

Like this.

And this.

And this.

 What with Leah freaking out over Leo1's failing grades...

And Leo1 walking in his father in the bathtub, it was suprising anything got done at all.

The house had been in a state of disrepair for days. But what would you expect, with a father obsessed with the computer, Leah (what more can I say?) a newborn baby, and an untterly insane (and don't forget neurotic) son.

Despite, this, Sheldon survived and reach his first birthday.
Note the wierd black spike sticking in his stomach.

Leo1 and Justin ruined it as always by cheering on the cake rather than the baby, but never mind.

And here is Sheldon, toddler!
He's quite cute really :)
Apart from the boots. They seem to run in the family. Leo1 had them too.
That makes it sound like a disease...

Sheldon also kept on staring at the cake like this. It was rather disconcerting. Doesn't he know that babies don't eat cake? Maybe it's part of the disease ;)
Mmmm, cake.

 Leah attended to her parenting duties by teaching Shelton to walk.

 And Justin fixed the exploding bath at last, making a huge puddle on the floor in the process.

 Even Leo1 was trying to be helpful by picking up the laundry.

 Oh my God. You failure.

 So he gave up on his attempts on Spring cleaning, and hared over to Tiny's house to become her boyfriend. And she accepted, of course. Who wouldn't accept a creepy, insane and neurotic sim who couldn't even put laundry in the washing machine as your boyfriend?
Uh huh, that's what I thought.

 Meanwhile, back at the house, it was Leah's birthday! Ready to be a fully grown adult Leah?

 Oh, don't look so scared. It's not that painful.
*Laughs evilly*
And so, Leah magically (sparkles included) turned into...Leah.
With a new haircut.


And that's all for now! The next chapter of the Walters Legacy will come soon!