Sunday 20 February 2011

Chapter 13

 I decided to age the baby up immediately. That creepy pink thing was gettin on my nerves.

Now everyone, meet Lena Walters! Cute huh?

 Although, I soon discovered this was the kind of baby who cries all the time. Even when all her mood bars were up.
 Shut up!

 Nevertheless,Sheldon enjoyed spending time with his... niece, I think it is, and they got on rather well.


Oh, look, Leah's pregnant. Again. To be honest, I don't even know who the father is. *facepalm*

Due to the family's major lack of funds, Sheldon ended up having to share a room with his brother and his wife (no, not Sheldon's wife you nincompoop!)

 This made things rather awkward.

The poor kid is scared for life.
Soon, it was time for Lena to age up into a child.

And she morphed into this monstrous thing. Hurrah.

That's what I thought.
Well, I made her over
, and here she is without the overlarge suit thing:

She's quite cute really :D

Oh, what a suprise...

That's all for now :D
Chapter 14 coming soon!

Sunday 9 January 2011

Chapter 12

 After her engagement to Leo1, Tiny1 moved in as soon as she possibly could.

 Life had it's ups and downs of course. Leo1's insane trait prevented him from playing nice for too long.

Soon, the wedding day arrived, and all the guests piled into...Leah's bedroom, where they got stuck. This happens every time my sims get married. All the guests run into a room, then can't get out again because several of them are stuck in the doorway, and they miss the wedding all together.

Seemingly oblivious to the chaos in the house, Tiny1 walked up the aisle. Note the empty chairs.

After a minor panic attack, half of the guests managed to brave the crowd and reach the wedding. They completely ignored the chairs I had painstakingly put out, preferring to stand.

At last, Tiny1 and Leo1 made their wedding vows.

While the rest of the guests (including Leah) were still stuck in the house.

It was at this point I realised that Leah and Justin had never actually got married. Um...oops. I decided they should get married now instead of organising another crazy wedding. It could be a double wedding.

Unfortunately, it didn't go quite as planned. Leah obviously didn't think much of having to wait until after her son was married before she could marry herself.

So Justin promptly dumped her. 

Leah doesn't look particularly unhappy about it all either.

Random man, this is not the time!

And then Justin left.

This is why I put it off so long.

Halfway through all this, Tiny1 discovered she was pregnant. Great timing.

After the failed wedding, Leah continued with her sculpting, as if nothing had happened. She didn't even cry about her break up.

Leo1, however,  succeeded in creating a rather cute toy dog for the baby.

See? It even barks! 

Have you ever noticed this picture on the inventors workshop thing? It's kinda creepy...

 Anyway, Tiny1 got on with her writing skills. She had lots of time for this now that she couldn't go to work (turned out she worked at the Bistro. I planned to remedy that ASAP)

Oh, and Leah got over Justin and moved onto this guy pretty quickly.

In an effort to show how indepent she was, Leah went off to the tattoo  parlour for a tattoo (obviously). To my suprise, she didn't flinch at all. I accidentally forgot to take a photo of it, but it was a heart with a crack in the middle. Maybe she hadn't got over Justin after all?

She didn't get on very well with the tattoo guy. He kept going insane at her. Freaky alien dude XP

Meanwhile, back at the house...

Yep, there's nothing odd about this picture, nothing at all.

This entire time, Leo1 was checking himself out in the mirror. Tut tut.

 And so, Tiny gave birth to...


Oh dear.
The baby's been stretched out and squashed. Nice.

Chapter 13 of the Walters Legacy is coming soon :)

Tuesday 4 January 2011

Chapter 11

This may not be the picture that most people would choose for their first picture in the chapter, but whatever  :)

Leo1, this is not going to help your relationship with you father at all.

 It was inevitable I suppose XP


Leo1: Ha!

When Justin had run out of the bathroom, Leo1 was able to dress more appropriately. Much better :)

Leo1 liked to spend a lot of time with his little brother Sheldon. He taught him to walk and talk and tucked him into bed at night. Leah didn't do anything to help, of course.


I thought you might be interested in the current state of the laundry. There is still a massive pile of it in the bathroom, and in all the bedrooms, and whenever someone tries to actually tidy up, they can't put it in the washing machine. Instead they just dump it on the floor.

At last, it was time for Sheldon's birthday. I erm...forgot to clear up the charred remains of Leo1's party. Oh well XP

Sheldon: Soon, I will be able to eat cake! Yay!

I do love my stretchy sims :)

Ta da!

After the party, Leo1 invited Tiny1 over, as she too had grown up.

She's very pretty (naturally XP) but look at her nails! I'm guessing she's going for the scary witch look there?


Oh, by the way, did I mention that Sheldon developed the insane trait? Seems to run in the family.

Leo1 then took Tiny1 to this place. Anyone else feel deja vu coming on?



And thus ends the 11th chapter in the Walter's Legacy! Another chapter coming soon! :D